

The winery Basilisco, since its start in the early 90s, aimed at the highest quality both in the vineyards and in the wine making thus becoming in a short time a pearl in the Southern Italian scenario.
In  2011 Feudi di San Gregorio, the leading winery in the South of Italy and present in the Vulture region for over ten years, decided to start a project reclaiming its ancient tuff stone caves in the “Shesh”, the historic Park of cellars of Barile, and revamping this ancestral context. This move was animated by the firm belief in the uniqueness of this extraordinary viticulture area.The acquisition of Basilisco with its beautiful tuff stone cellars and its vineyards in the most vocated location accomplished the plan and gave birth to a space of astonishing beauty in the historical heart of the Aglianico del Vulture production.
Viviana Malafarina is the “face and the soul” of Basilisco: she manages all the aspects of the winery and work with huge passion in the cellar guided by Pierpaolo Sirch who is also responsible for the vineyards.


Basilisco Basilisco Aglianico del Vulture Superiore DOCG
Aglianico del Vulture Superiore DOCG
Basilisco Teodosio Aglianico del Vulture DOC
Teodosio Aglianico del Vulture DOC